Lalitpur: Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Chiri Babu Maharjan has shared that municipal police has been carrying out positive activities being citizen-friendly.
At a programme organised by Lalitpur Metropolitan City here today to release a book ‘Municipal Police in published Photos’, Mayor Maharjan expressed the view that the municipal police has been carrying out admirable works by implementing the decisions of the metropolitan city in a dispute-free manner. “We have been doing works as per the policy of zero tolerance in protection of mortal and immortal heritages. It is said that a picture speaks thousand words. So the pictures have shown that many works have been carried out. The municipal police has become successful to carryout performance without controversy”, he explained.
Mayor Maharjan stressed that other metropolitans and municipalities should follow the activities carried out by Lalitpur Metropolis in implementation of decisions of local levels in a dispute-free manner.
Similarly, Chief District Officer Tulasi Bahadur Shrestha mentioned that role played by municipal police in course of implementing Lalitpur metropolitan city’s decisions and disaster management was significant.
Likewise, film producer and director Prakash Sayami expressed the view that publishing photos of their activities means that they have faith in their works. Sharing that people would be always with the municipal police when they work honestly, he underlined that the contribution of police in protection and conservation of heritages and culture of Lalitpur is incomparable.
Chief Administrative Officer Rekha Das Shrestha shared that the book incorporating activities carried out by municipal police would be useful for the coming generation.
Mentioning that Lalitpur Metropolitan City has made arrangement of hotline 1131, Municipal Police Chief Sitaram Hachhethu said up to 55 complaints used to be registered in an hour in the hotline.