RSP Chair Lamichhane calls for development by protecting people’s life

Dainik Nepal Jun 20, 2023 | 14:59

Bharatpur: Rastriya Swatantra Party Chairperson and lawmaker Rabi Lamichhane has stressed the need for carrying out development activities by protecting properties and life of people.

Development activities by replacing people are of no value, he said while addressing an event organised here in Bharatpur Metropolitan City-12. “Development by protecting people’s life and properties is sustainable. The state should use its conscience in carrying out development activities,” he said.

He urged the party cadres to serve people as a common person but not as a party cadre. People should not be discriminated against based on which party they voted for, he viewed. He said that his party would accord first priority to the area that lacks facilities like education, health and drinking water.


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